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Home Communication Wireless intercom Clear-Com FSE-BASE FreeSpeak Edge Base Station

Clear-Com FSE-BASE FreeSpeak Edge Base Station

The FreeSpeak Edge Base Station is a standalone 1RU device that provides extensive connectivity to a wide range of Clear-Com endpoints along with third-party Dante devices. Built primarily to deploy 5 GHz transceivers and beltpacks, the base station also provides support to FreeSpeak II splitters, 1.9 GHz E1 and IP transceivers/beltpacks*, and 2.4 GHz E1 transceivers/beltpacks. The base station also provides multiple software-defined interoperable IP ports that support both Dante and third-party devices.

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The FreeSpeak Edge Base Station is a standalone 1RU device that provides extensive connectivity to a wide range of Clear-Com endpoints along with third-party Dante devices. Built primarily to deploy 5 GHz transceivers and beltpacks, the base station also provides support to FreeSpeak II splitters, 1.9 GHz E1 and IP transceivers/beltpacks*, and 2.4 GHz E1 transceivers/beltpacks. The base station also provides multiple software-defined interoperable IP ports that support both Dante and third-party devices.

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